

14 March 2022

The “Stable Patrimony” and Religious Congregations – Part II

The importance of the Stable Patrimony; formal assignment and identification of assets This follows upon our previous Newsflash on the same matter and is intended to provide you with some further considerations regarding the Stable Patrimony in anticipation of the upcoming DIKAOIS workshop which will take ...

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4 March 2022

The “Patrimonio Stabile” and Religious Congregations

General aspects and usefulness of a legal concept which is still sometimes misunderstood On Tuesday March 29, 2022, from 09:30 to 17:30 at the Casa Maria Immacolata in Via Ezio, 28, Rome, Dikaios will host a full-day workshop at which it will be joined by Prof. Andrea Bettetini of the Catholic University o...

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9 February 2022

Support administration for members of Religious Congregations

In Religious Congregations (RC) and in the General Houses that host the sisters and brothers, you may have to manage a person who has difficulties with activities of daily life and self-care, due to both age and, possibly, illness. The love and protection found within the RC undoubtedly ensures all possibl...

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30 December 2021

The Model of Organization and Management (MOM) in the light of the admissions of the French Church

The Bishops’ Conference of France, in the last plenary assembly on 8 November 2021, admitted its responsibility towards the victims of abuse. This admission is the beginning of a new era because it does not refer to the simple responsibility of individual people who are part of the Church, but to the Fre...

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19 October 2021

Religious Congregations and the Third Sector. The Dikaios Self-Assessment Tool

The organization and management of a Religious Congregation (RC) can be a complex activity, which requires training of the administrators and legal representatives of the Congregation itself.  However, the daily activity of administrators can be simplified with specific tools aimed at facilitating the manag...

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28 March 2023


Training for members and lay employees/collaborators who process personal data is not just a bureaucratic issue The European Privacy Regulation No. 679/2016 (GDPR), as well as the General Decree of...

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2 November 2022


Religious Congregations are rethinking the management of their administrative burdens in a way that allows them to focus on their particular charisma and mission *** Provinces, houses and institutes...

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28 October 2022

Data Privacy Obligations and Religious Congregatio...

Is your entity a Data Controller, a Joint Controller or a Data Processor?   Why does this question matter to Religious Institutes? In summary, a “Controller” is an entity that, alone or ...

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